Tuesday, November 27, 2007

What happened in the year you were born?

A Boy Scout troop was assigned questions on what happened the year they were born, the moon landing, and their family history. Aside from showing them the history room and providing them with genealogical forms and showing them how to access ancestry.com (which is what we subscribed to at the time), I also used the almanacs and the following very interesting resources:

American Facts and Dates - R 973 CAR - a large, chronologically-arranged list of event in American history from 986 to 1992. Includes annual summaries and four separate chronologies for each year for political, cultural, economic and intellectual, and social events.

Chronology of World History - R 902.02 MEL - This one is my favorite. Four large volumes of events listed by date from 3000 BC to the 1990s. Events prior to 1492 are listed according to era, subsequent events by year. Mountains of information like lists of important books, music, and films of each year are included. Addictive!

Chronicle of America - R 973.0202 CHR - A colorful, easy-to-browse summary of headlines from year to year. Entertaining, especially for a younger crowd.

There are, of course, many similar sources, but those always work particularly well, and they did so in this case. The Boy Scouts were thrilled with the easy availability of the information, and it served them well.

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